This cookbook has been many, many years in the making…

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I have always hated (and hate is a strong word) throwing food away.
Perhaps it was my upbringing, my career as a food stylist where I witnessed food constantly being thrown away, or my children eating so much food while tossing the rest. Or maybe it was the unbearable food waste statistics and the effect it has on our environment. Actually, it’s all of the above and I did everything to reduce it.
I spent weekends pawning off food, which my food stylist colleagues didn’t claim, on family and friends, making one too many fruit pies or huge batches of soups with those leftovers. I developed a simple practice of batch cooking, using it as the opportunity to clean out my fridge and freezer, and experiment. And, over the years, my favourite recipes became those that were most adaptable to the ingredients I had kicking around the kitchen. Fried rice, for example, combined leftover rice, with whatever bits of this or that I had on hand. Then I used the leftovers in packed peppers the next day. After developing these and more food waste solutions in my own kitchen, I realized there needs to be a book that shares these kinds of practical, everyday solutions for using up the food we typically toss aside. And Cook More, Waste Less was born.
Why This Book?
We all play a part: on average we unwittingly throw away one in every four bags of groceries we buy.
When we toss aside perfectly edible food rather than eat it, we create needless waste and negatively impact the environment (and waste valuable dollars) and we perpetuate the demand for more food to be produced overall. The more food that is produced, the more detrimental the impact on the environment. Food production is affecting climate change (and vice versa), and food prices are soaring.
Along the way I have learned there is only one thing we have immediate, direct control of: our own consumption habits, i.e., how we buy, store, eat, and dispose of our food.
We won’t solve the world’s problems all at once. However, we can begin with simple, actionable steps focused on what you’ll eat next—and what you won’t throw away. Whether you are an environmentally or socially conscious eater or someone working with a tight food budget or just looking for new ideas for what to cook, I hope you enjoy this journey towards zero waste.
About This Book:
My hope with this cookbook is to show how simple, small shifts in how we buy, cook, and eat food can make a significant difference to the amount of food waste we produce. And if going zero waste feels unattainable, remind yourself regularly, as I do, that it is a goal and not a hard target. Included in these pages are some basic strategies and tools to help you start this zero-waste journey and get you thinking about new ways of planning your meals, and buying and preparing food. The recipes demonstrate creative ideas to use up what is already in your fridge, freezer, and pantry, as well as how to transform leftovers, and how to use the often-overlooked parts of food (from onion skins to banana peels) we might usually throw away.
What’s In Cook More Waste Less?
Part 1: Zero-Waste Kitchen Basics
All the ways we can battle food waste, change our behavior, and educate ourselves on how to achieve our zero waste food goals.
- Zero-Waste Shopping Strategies
- Zero-Waste Shopping Checklists
- Essential Tools for a Zero-Waste Kitchen
- Food Storage 101
- Food Storage Glossary
- Zero-Waste Storage and Packaging Solutions
- How these Recipes Work
- Mapped Out Meals
Part 2: Zero-Waste Recipes
Over 100 recipes and inspirations to help you reduce your food waste at home.
My favourites include; Terrific Tofu Tips and Best Recipes, Beefy Black Lentil Stew, Avocado Boats with Turmeric Aioli and for a little something sweet, the CocoRose Pudding.
This handy, dandy cookbook also features tips from my food waste warrior friends: expert chefs, restaurateurs, sommeliers, and even home and garden experts. These include chef Todd Perrin, Anna Olson, Carson Arthur, and Nick Liu to name a few…
I can’t wait…
Lots of Love,
Sneak Peak